What's New Emsie?

Nothing much. Just found out I'm slightly anemic; Which makes sense because I'm always freezing, but always wanting to chew on ice. But not Vanilla Ice. That, I think, would just be awkward.

In other news... Nothing. Lol, I'm broke so there isn't much else going on except for school. I kick ass at school. I've maintained a 4.0gpa for five months and one week, and I'm striving for a full 7 months of 4.0's. I can't wait to get started on my externship! I'm actually pretty anxious for the schooling part to be done so that I can finally get a job. Then it will be job and school. We've learned that UEI will be implementing an AA program so that you can get your associates degree. I am so there. It's going to take far less time to get it there, than if I were to go back to Citrus where I can never get into the classes that I need because they are all full.

I neeeeeed a job. I need to be able to leave this High Desert blahness every once and a while. Whenever I want. I'm thinking everything is going to work out, I just gotta keep positive about the whole thing. Only three months before I can actually start making money as an Medical Assistant. I hope I get hired right away *Hopefull stare off into the distance*


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