In With the New, Never Out With the Old...Unless You're My ExBoyfriend

I am wondering why people feel the need to guilt/manipulate you to feel things, and don't actually communicate like adults; And if you try to confront them, it causes unnecessary drama because they are unable to communicate with you without attacking you in some way. Here are some steps that I think are important when trying to communicate.

Step 1: Tell me what exactly is troubling you.
Step 2: Let's try to resolve that issue.

Bam, done.

It's not necessary to point fingers and lay blame in my opinion. I know that is what people do at first when confrontations arise, but take a step back, a deep breath in and figure out what the problem really is.

There are a lot of people in my life that manipulate, guilt trip, and attack me, I've noticed. But they aren't people that I can just disregard (as much as I would like to sometimes). Either because I consider them friends (still), or because they are family. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to a certain point, I have been able to disregard a couple of people, but they REALLY deserved it. Although I've forgiven those particular few, it doesn't mean that I trust them enough to let them back into my life. The few that are still in my life need to fucking chill though.


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