The Things My Friends Make Me Do When I'm Drunk

Sometime last year, my friend JT and I would talk on the phone or over XBOX Live when I was drunk. He would make me take dictation. I CANNOT spell when I'm drunk, nor am I able to form coherent sentences. The following is a letter that he made me transcribe. It is about a release of The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. Enjoy:

to whom it may cnern
perferly mr and mrs of warner bros studieon lovated in holly wood california

dear sri and or madam

i believe that your recnet of nyour releasing of lord of the rindgs of a travestly of all those invested in work and alll around specitalcle of the series.

there are two major primary conercein s and i myself and imllions of devoted fans beliee to be an abomnation to ur sincere lyallty. the rfirst major  omplaint that i woll discuss is in regards the the version of the lord of rings you haver decided not the animated onefds done my ralph of the 980s, why i may ask would you release the theatrcila cut versons of the fils that would engulf the cultured of jr tolkeien sa nd pter jackson  breatved life inotp..

the tretricla version that i have avfore mention stated, are withing the time frame of an hour or two hour in lenth of extended editions. this means that the significant cutes have been made for the blue ray elesea. no i understand the relase of both versonin sepately to maiximixe the both version of filme and make the  i.e. the oreiginal extended cuts the casula ausdience does not want this the version of the film most verions want is theatricla, most polelpe will skip it whch if i am correct which i am, and wait will realease the extend ed version the hobbit is released.d

the extended version has niddle earth painted severly lacking my perter jackson. the 2nd complaint i have is dvd quality and version of dvd released captured the feeling of "dirty" gritty dark.  pregessed of battle of helms deep and battle oft he king. return of the king. hoewever looking at what you have shown of the return of the king anof the dvd dics the quatlity is lacking. in fact the you could say the entire the of the series an dthe colors of monochronic losing details of the stuff the blueray whouls \d be able to hold the3 information thefore allowing picture but not losing details.

i find it challeniging of the master edition that you are relaiseing tthis oshould not be the vase. the picture is too waxy batllets are muttles over. the is not epic fo grandoise mucisa in 2ioee rather than a modern dau   esp for a fil m that is an academy award winning franshcse.
however i knnow this letter will fall on dearf ears all i ask is hen the extednded editions is th quality is higher. the audio inmpoeved and in general the ath entire value is sourced has more craftamnship at work. you lost a customer to blue raid say .

truly your a jaded fanboy.


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