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I feel like a horrible person every time that I say "I hate Christmas", but dude, I hate Christmas. Not only is Christmas the time of the year when you have to stand in line for a million hours even if you want to buy just a single tube of toothpaste; It is also the time when you are forced to listen to the worst music ever create. No, I don't want to listen to The Little Drummer Boy. Fuck you.

There is one tradition, however, that makes Christmas fun for me. It's the Posse's Christmas Exchange. The Posse consists of Maria, Angie, Paul, Mike, Megan, Chris, Pete Dawg, and myself. It's been around for a few years now. It's basically just a secret Santa type thing, but I always look forward to it. This year I got a game for my Xbox360 from Chris. "Rock of the Dead" featuring the voice talents of my fave, NPH. Also Felicia Day who is the cutest person ever and what makes her more awesome is that she is super nerdy. LOVE her. I've only gotten to play the game once so far. My guitar is actually sucky and broken, so I've been having to play with my drumset that is also sucky because when you lend things out, you don't always get them back the way they were. Lame.

In other nerdy news, I'm going to Arizona next month (if everything works out) to visit my Xbox buds Scourgeborne and Buritojohnson. I can't wait. These dudes are the apples of my eyes, the cat's meows, the bees knees. They make my gaming experience all the more fun. Black Ops and the like would not be the same without them. So here's to hoping that everything works out. AZ here I come...


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