Eff the Misty Watercolored Memories

So, I've finally unpacked all the boxes I packed up 6 and a half months ago. The ones I packed to start my future with a certain Canadian, that shall remain nameless for as long as this girl is alive. What brought this on? He did. I've resolved to purge him and his existence from my life, and he insists on picking at a scab and refusing to let the wound underneath heal.

For the past four months he has been messaging me over Facebook, and Xbox live about the most random shit that I couldn't care less about. I have not responded to a single message. The only message that I have ever sent him over the past months since we broke up are messages asking when he is sending my stuff back to me. If the stuff didn't have sentimental value for me, I would consider them gone and just forget that he had it altogether. My messages consist of one sentence, always. "When can I expect my stuff?" Nothing more, nothing less. Let's say I was in his shoes, would I assume that the other person, perhaps, may not want to talk to me if they haven't responded to a single message and the only message I ever receive from them is one sentence long. I never ask how he's doing, I never tell him any detail of my life. What makes him think that I would ever want to talk to him after the hurt that he laid down on me? This I cannot explain. The following is our last exchange via Facebook:

Me Jan. 24:
when can i expect my stuff?

Him Jan 27:

Being ignored is pretty shitty isn't it?

You'll get it when the mail decides to bring it there, it's out of my hands now.

Me Jan 28: cool. just wanted to know the status.

Him Jan 28: (after I updated my status "Trying to guilt trip me will only get you the opposite reaction then what you're trying to get out of me. just fyi.") It's not a guilt trip and nor do I care about the reaction, but at least I acknowledge my mistakes, when you're ready to acknoledge yours and stop blaming me, it would be nice to be friends again.

Him Feb 3:
Dont care if you hate me, this will make you laugh. :)

I would like to know in what way I showed any interest in being his friend again, and I would like to know what "mistake" it is that I supposedly made. You know, besides believing a word that came out of his mouth. My view is: Fuck that guy. I would rather be strangled to death, brought back to life, strangled to death again, brought back to life again and have this happen a multiple succession of times over the course of a month than to be his friend again.

And on the off chance that he is reading this: No I don't wish death upon you, but I do hope that your karma catches up to you. Oh, and that someone punches you hard in the face. That is all. No more, no less. Let me move on. Without any interference from you. If you did love me, then it was a very selfish sort of love where you only cared about your own gratification emotionally. I consider you to be one of the most selfish people that I have ever met, and believe me, i have met a few. I have no interest in knowing you further, I do not care what is going on in your life, I don't ever want to be a part of your life again, and I do NOT want you to be a part of mine. In the words of Wayne Campbell, "We broke up. Are you mental? Get the net!"


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